
Showing posts from May, 2017

Revo Shiva

Reincarnated Shiva: The Guide This guy never really got much traction in NA, even when Awoken Shiva was first released. Of course, he was played a lot more than now. For beginners, he offered an excellent way to learn about the game. Forcing people to learn how to combo beyond simple Bejeweled while retaining an incredibly high RCV multiplier to keep them safe. For the intermediate players, he suggested consistency If you could hit 6-combo every turn, you had little problem blowing every descend out of the water for the longest time. In Co-op he was even stronger, using multiplayer HP to offset his one true weakness. There is little doubt that Awoken Shiva did Arena 1 with little problem. Now, I’d like to bring him back into the light. Just a little. With so many cards getting their Reincarnated forms and the introduction to the Enhanced Combo (7combo) Awakening Skill, I think Shiva has a place as a lead again. Maybe he’s not cut out to do Arena 3 or Colosseum with 100% clear r