Reincarnated Anubis: The One True Doge

Anubis is a hard hitting, one shot king that spares no one in his path and lays waste to the land in a scorched Earth policy.

With all this being said, it's no wonder why he is a highly sought after, top tier leader that can clear 99.9% of all content solo.

He has many values as both a lead and a sub with a great flexibly in pairings. So here we go, a crash course in insanity and super advanced activation needs.

Some damage control
High weighted stats
High damage multiplier
Hazard clearing
God /devil /balance typing
1.5 RCV when a skill is used

Hard multiplier
RNG on orbs and skyfalls
No hp multiplier
Long cool down on active

With Anubis getting a reincarnation he loses the dark type restriction to his sub pool and his multiplier starter comes down from 9 combo to 8 combo.  This helps greatly because perfectly distributed boards in 6x5 have a MAX of 10 combos.

As an emerging player, or even if you're a mid tier combo-er, being able to make a consistent 8 combos is a daunting requirement.

Anubis is a 30x lead when he is alone and has full activation, and pairing him with a lower multiplier 7x6 lead, such as Ilmina is totally viable.

As a sub, Anubis has bind immunity and is equipped with a bind clearing awakening. Inheriting a hard bind clear, like Grodin or a heart maker like Akechi is a great tool in your arsenal.

His skill is basically a resolve killer, which is super synergistic with his leader potential. Being able to hit damage cap doesn't leave room for resolve heals. Once he destroys their body, and they think they can come back he hits their soul once more before the heal goes through.


Basically there are 2 main camps for subs. Diaochan, or super Gunma.  Both have great reasons for being used, mainly because you need an active skill every turn.

Diaochan is needed in a pair, and as a 6* pantheon card, this is a tall order. You need 2 because she has a 2 turn cool down on her active and you need to use a skill every other turn to maximum damage potential. Her skill is great with Anubis because it gives you a constant time extend of 2 seconds. This doesn't sound like much, but when trying to hit 10 combos, it's vital.

Her body is great on the team because of her laments and the fact that she is light main attribute with decent stats. She comes with 2, yes 2, light AND dark resists, which is a 20% damage reduction from the hardest hitting (as of now) bosses in the game.

Having to run 2 subs in conjunction leaves little room for other subs, but the benefits are all worth it. Especially when it comes to inherits.

The fact that she is light and you 100% do not care what is inherited on her, means you can put absurd light inherits on her only for the stat boosts. Light has some of the best hp monsters in the game and can insert perfect conditions get you ≈40k hp.

Super Gunma is the other option. Being farmable with a 1 turn cool down is very clutch. He was the staple before the release of Diaochan.

With a 1 turn skill he is immune to skill delay. And just like Diaochan, his inherit doesn't matter, you just want the stats. Wood also has some beefy monsters as well.

Although his skill is lackluster (deal/gain 500) it proves helpful in niche situations such as Zeus Hera if you want to save Anubis's skill for his inherit.

The rest of the slots are simply filled by what you need, usually a Revo Indra is hanging around with Haku or something of that nature. The slots are flexible, so have fun here for the most part and adjust the team to your style.


Anubis wants Sheena as his inherit. Or at  least a bi-color full board changer, Sheena is just dark for the stat boosts. Bi-colors board changers give the best chance at a 10 combo board,  and its usage is usually saved for the boss floor.

As noted above, the rest is up to you, just try and get same color inherits to boost stats as much as possible. If you don't care too much about that, I hear Khepri is a great addition to the team.

Updates :

Pairing anubis.

Diablos - let's face it diablos is you're best friend of your playing anubis. Hands down this pairing walks through some of the hardest dungeons. Diablos fixes everything anubis lacks in double pairing. You get a 25% shield, 7x6 board, shield break, and insert perk here.

For new anubis players, diablos is a god send. Having a 7x6 board opens up a lot of room for errors in comboing. Instead of a 10 combo on board max, you get 14. That means you have 12 more orbs to play with, ensuring you can get that 10 combo you need to survive.

The shield you get starts at 8 combos, which is lovely because that's where anubis starts to take off. As anubis evolves I'll update to keep everyone up to speed on what to do.


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