
Showing posts from September, 2017

Final Fantasy Collab - Pixel Ultimate Evolutions

     Once again, the Final Fantasy Collab is back and with it are a plethora of exciting cards, rewards, and dungeons. With new ultimates being released, the viability of old and new characters alike have drastically increased, making it one the best collabs to spend your hard earned stones on.      Let's first talk about the most anticipated part of this Collab. Pixel forms. Now if you haven't heard the announcements, Gungho has given us brand new method of dealing with annoying boss mechanics. Fujin and Hiko allowed us to disregard damage absorb effects, Starry Night Bride Persephone allowed us to ignore attribute absorbs, and now, even damage void effects are practically harmless. One issue with the cards previously mentioned is that their success depended solely on the skill being ready by the time it's needed. However, with the new pixel ultimate evolutions, the void damage penetration is in the form of an awakening aptly named Void Damage Piercer. Unless you get a