Beginners Guide to Inherits

First of all, what is "Inherit"? Inherit is when you receive or be left with (a situation, object, etc.) from a predecessor or former owner. In this case, a monster will receive a skill from another monster. Only for the cost of a million coins, you can inherit a monster of your will onto another monster. Inherits are very useful as you approach mid to end game, because they give you a stat boost and skills that are required to bypass some mechanics.

Requirements for Inherits

To be allowed to inherit, you would need to be rank 130 and you would need to have a million coins. To inherit a monster onto another monster, you would need the assist monster to be fully awoken. Having the assist monster to be max leveled or plussed is not required, but it can come with many benefits.

Your assist monster must either be a REM monster or one of the farmable monsters in the picture below

Benefits of Inheriting

Inherits are often known to be "Free SDR", and though this is somewhat correct, when your base active skill still requires a few more turns, a skill delay would delay your base skill.

If your assist monster is the same attribute as the base monster, you will get 10% of the assist's HP, 5% of ATK, and 15% of RCV.

If your assist monster is fully plussed (+297), your base monster will get an extra percentage of the assist monster's stats. Please mind that the assist monster still needs to be the same attribute as the base monster.

Adding and Removing Inherits

To add an inherit, go to "Manage Assists", select a base monster, choose an assist, then select "Assign". This will give your base monster the assist monster's active skill.

Removing inherits is free and simple. It is a simple process similar to adding inherits. To remove an inherit, go to "Manage Assists", select the base monster, then select "Remove Skill". Simple right?

To skill up your assist's active skill, just fuse the skill up materials to the assist monster.


Inherits are good investments are very important and are a good investment for late game. Though somewhat beneficial earlier on, its is better to build a good team before starting to inherit. Overall, inherits are a good investment for only a small price of a million coins.

Gambarachie!~acerbase12 (383108496)


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