Common Beginner Mistakes

As like every game, everyone starts as a beginner. As a beginner, it isn't possible not to make any mistakes. These are some common mistakes that many players make when first starting.

One of the first ever mistakes a player can make when starting is not rerolling when they get a bad starting roll. (I myself didn't know about rerolling, so I started with a Fire Dragon Swordman as my first roll). The player could uninstall and reinstall the game to start anew.

Magic Stones- Many players may start off their PAD career by wasting their stones, thinking that it would stay the same difficulty to gain stones later in game. Soon they will realize how incorrect that way of thinking is. Examples of these would be:
  • The player would use their stones to continue a dungeon- This is a bad idea early on in game. When you are starting, dungeons do not take too much stamina to do, meaning that just redoing the dungeon would be a wiser choice. 
  • The player would use their stones for stamina- This is another example of a bad use of stones since it only takes 3 minutes to regain one point of stamina. If a dungeon requires 50 stamina, it only requires 2 hours and 30 minutes to achieve that many stamina. Later as you are higher rank, it may be a good idea to do so because it may take 10 hours or more to get full stamina, but while still at a beginner's rank, it is better to save your stones.
  • Rolling when it isn't Godfest- This is a common mistake to beginners when they don't read the news on Facebook, Twitter, or on the news popup that appears at the beginning of the day.
  • Rolling in collabs that have niche monsters - Though some players may have joined the game just for the collab, many collabs have monsters that are rather useless to beginners. (I joined during the Final Fantasy collab and rolled a lot, which was a mistake because PCGF was after it and I never ended up using the monsters that I rolled)
Once you progress more in the game, players often ask to be carried through many dungeons. Though it may be beneficial in some ways, it will hurt you, as you don't get as much practice with how to combo and you won't be able to clear harder dungeons on your own. Sometimes if you need to be "carried", it may be ok if it is so you can get an Awoken so that you can get a solid lead so that you can clear things on your own, but excessive amounts of carries isn't very good for you.

Though people may consider rank to be equivalent to how good you are at the game, that is a false fact. Many people may farm rank just so they seem like they are good at the game, though someone at a lower rank than them are better at the game than they are. Going at your own pace is better, and though being high rank may be beneficial, it may get to a point where you cannot progress because of the difference in your rank and your own PAD playing skill.

This final mistake is something that both beginners and higher leveled players. Players tend to go into dungeons blind, not researching the dungeon beforehand,  and it causes them to have to stone to continue it. There are many places to research about dungeons.  Some being PADX and PadGuide. There may also be guides on what types of monsters you should bring and what skills you should bring, which would make clearing the dungeon significantly easier.

Overall there are many mistakes that players make, both when starting out and later in their gaming career. Though these are only a few mentioned,  there are many more that aren't as common that you may be doing. I hope that you won't make these mistakes.

Gambarachie!~acerbase12 (383108496)


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