Legendary Defender Voltron

Legendary Defender Voltron

Here I am going to be talking about Voltron as a lead, his strengths, and his weaknesses.
I know there was a lot of hate for the collab in general, because of the lackluster art and the copy paste of some of the actives from Crows, but I am not going to be talking about any of that here.

Leader Skill - A solid 4xHP and up to 600x multiplier on a 5x6 board. The easiest comparison would have to be Aizen from the Bleach collab, but with HP instead of RCV.
Most people would probably argue that bonus RCV is better than the HP boost. Yes, you can fix a low HP team with an Indra inherit on your team, but a high HP team doesn't have to worry about a shield in the 1st place.
A hyper maxed Voltron team, depending on the subs and pluses, will yield 120,000 - 140,000 HP, which is usually enough to tank most or all the attacks in a single dungeon.
Most people may complain that his base multiplier is a bit low, with only 4x without a cross, but from personal experience I can say that this is a good thing for those who plan to take this beast into the depths of Arena 3. The base is so low, that he can deal with Sopdet, Parvati, and Vishnu with ease, although Parvati will require a delay due to her making fire orbs.

With 1 cross, Voltron deals 49x and 2 crosses, 600x. Most floors can be easily dealt with 1 cross, but the satisfaction of overkilling the boss with 2 crosses doing hundreds of millions is priceless.

Active Skill - Probably one of the weaker parts of Voltron, since he creates the fire orbs on the very edge, which makes it harder to make a cross out of due to having to shuffle the orbs off the wall into a cross formation. I will admit though, that with the new "Additional Attack Latent", his active provides the perfect column of hearts for the awakening. Most of the time, I will see myself inheriting a more useful skill that will complement his leader requirements.
(Can still fit 2 crosses with additional attack latent)

Awakenings -  Voltron has some very good awakenings for a lead. Bind immunity with bind clear is very highly recommended for a lead.
Time extends are always welcome, and for a cross lead it is even more so, since they tend to take more time than your standard combo lead.
3 Skill boosts! This, I believe, is the best part of his awakenings. An automatic 6 skill boosts just with your leads. Most of your skills will be charged on floor 1 as well as some inherits too, depending on your team. They really let you prepare for the dungeon without stalling, and you can plow through the floors knowing all of your skills are there.
I am personally not a big fan of the Devil Killer, but even with it Voltron can deal under a Parvati absorb if needs be.

Subs - This list will be a bit of my personal preference, but these, I feel, are the strongest possible subs for Voltron.

Elgenubi - Due to cross leads having a hard time utilizing two prong attacks and rows, her mass orb enhance awakenings enable 100% of enhanced orbs sky-falls, as well as bumping your teams base damage when you are doing 49x or less.

Barbara - Adds 3 more skill boosts to your massive amount that you already have. Her active will most likely guarantee a kill (an easy hundred million damage per card), and her killer awakenings are the right ones to not get in the way.

Leilan - A 3 color board tends to be easier to build than a 2 color one, in some cases. Other than her row awakenings, the rest synergizes very well.

Xiahou Dun - One of the few subs for Voltron with 2 time extends. He provides an active that -synergizes well with his leader skill..

Here are some subs I think are strong as well but possibly lack a little in some other department.

(Gainaut is a farm-able who's active may not be best on its own but provides good synergy with actives like Antares or Elgenubi who erase jammers. I will be listing more in the inherits section)

Inherits - To state the obvious, actives that create fire orbs while also healing a percentage of health are going to be the best. Those include:

Misao/Mamiya - Both erase a color as well as jammers, and heals 30% of your HP in just 6 turns! Slap these onto Voltron himself and not only will it get rid of his kind of hard to use active spawns, you will also recover a good portion of your HP in 15 turns (With the right team they will be charged on floor 1). Being able to just push a button and heal 40-80k HP is a good feeling. Any immediate danger can easily be avoided with these after you have taken a big gravity hit.

Ney - Works in much of the same way, but will take much longer and heal a little less in exchange for an almost perfect board every time.

I am pretty sure I got my point across at this point, so I won’t bother going into details for the rest due to being very repetitive (Although I admit that Keith is probably the least appealing, due to creating the fire orbs in an odd spot).

Where to use Voltron?

He has the capability to clear any Arena with no problem, as well as Arena 3, but I would not call that one of his strengths. I would have to say a 5-10 floor dungeons are ideal for him. Hard rush dungeons, such as God/Devil rush, are probably his most ideal use. He will be able to tank Hera/Dios’s preemptive with no problems. 
The way that he can use skills freely every turn, makes his dungeon runs similar to a push button team with a higher HP pool.
Personally, I think that he may shine in 3-player coop, which is known to have big hits such as Goemon’s 73k preemptive as random spawns, but since this feature is not available in North America, I can’t say for certain.


I know that he was a 6* egg and the hardest to pull in the REM, but if you did manage to pull this beast I advise you to give him a try. Not being able to heal to full HP with just 3 hearts, as well as his low base multiplier of 4x turns people off, but a lot of that is not as bad as it seems. In the future, we may get a Machine/Physical fire type with an Additional Attack Awakening that will definitely be welcome and have great synergy with his active.

-yopster89 (352099204)


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